Radhika Gupta, CEO of Edelweiss Asset Management, is widely recognised as a leading figure in India's financial sector, overseeing assets worth over Rs 1 lakh crore. Despite her professional accomplishments and a personal net worth of approximately Rs 41 crore, Gupta has shared that her financial habits remain deeply influenced by her upbringing and middle-class values.

In a recent podcast, Gupta spoke about her modest spending preferences, revealing that she still finds joy in saving money through small habits. “I get excited about 40 rupees coupons on Zomato,” she shared, reflecting how even simple savings continue to resonate with her, despite her financial stature.

While comfortable with her financial security today, Gupta admitted that growing up around peers who were more affluent left her with insecurities about money. These feelings took time to overcome, but they have shaped her cautious approach towards spending. This mindset extends to larger purchases, particularly luxury items, which she continues to avoid. "I can’t get myself to buy a luxury car," she explained, noting that she has considered buying one several times. "Every time I get a bonus, I tell myself that I’m going to get a fancy car. But I have never been able to do it."

She attributed this reluctance to her practical outlook on finances. "I think a car is a depreciating asset," Gupta said, aligning with her professional understanding of value and investment. Despite her ability to afford such luxury items, she remains focused on making financially sound decisions.

Reflecting further, Gupta acknowledged that she once felt self-conscious about not owning certain luxury items, particularly early in her career. However, her perspective has since evolved. “When I graduated from college and people would say ‘Oh, you don’t have a fancy handbag,’ I would feel insecure about it. Now if people ask why are you driving an Innova, I’ve come to a point where I’m like ‘my choice, my life,’” she stated, emphasising her confidence in making personal choices that align with her values.

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