In India (and world over), single-income households are becoming increasingly common. This can take different forms from a single parent household to supporting elderly parents, many families find themselves relying on one earner.

With this increasing shift in family structure, financial stability is crucial. With meticulous planning and disciplined budgeting, one can achieve this.

Below is a guide to consider for a single income family:

* Budgeting and Tracking Expenses: Start by creating a detailed budget to understand your spending patterns. This may take some getting used to. Track expenses over a few months and categorize them into “needs” (rent, groceries, utilities) and “wants” (dining out, entertainment). There are plenty of budgeting apps available on the app store. (However, be wary of providing unnecessary access such as photo albums, contact list etc. Have a read through of the reviews to confirm their authenticity.)

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* Prioritization: Prioritize your spending by focusing on needs and essential debt repayments, like education loans or mortgages. In case of multiple debt repayments, It may also be a good idea to meet a financial planner who can help prioritize your repayments better. Additionally, consider cutting discretionary spending and finding cost-saving alternatives. For example, use public transportation instead of cabs, or cut out those multiple OTT subscriptions.

* Building a Savings Plan: With the right kind of planning, a single income shouldn’t prevent you from saving. Look into investment options like the Public Provident Fund (PPF) or Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (for families with daughters), which offer tax benefits and guaranteed returns. Having a safety nest of a pool of money saved up will help in case of emergencies.

* Exploring Additional Income Sources: If time permits, explore freelance work, online tutoring, or skill-based home businesses like cooking, tailoring, or crafting. In the digital world we live in, these opportunities are increasingly easier to come by. The gig economy also provides flexible opportunities that can fit within a single-income household’s schedule.

Lastly and probably one of the most important steps in this process is to have an honest conversation with your family. Make them aware of their financial situation, your goals and limitations.

With these broad guidelines, given enough time, you should be able to thrive and not just survive on a single income.

(By Anshu Agarwal, Global Head of Finance at Branch International)

Disclaimer: Views and facts expressed above are those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of

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